Pearson Online Academy's online summer courses help students refresh their skills and prepare for the upcoming school year.

Online Summer School Courses

Through Connections Academy’s affiliation with Pearson Online Academy, K–12 students have the opportunity to extend their learning through the summer and catch-up subjects, keep their minds sharp, and prepare for the school year that lays ahead with virtual summer school. The courses for online summer school allow students to continue learning while also offering the flexibility to enjoy family vacations or work a summer job. Our state-of-the-art education technology allows students to take their learning wherever they can be online, like the beach or on the road.

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Pearson Online Academy is an accredited, affordable online private school for grades K–12, where students can learn and excel from anywhere. Every student takes core courses in math, science, English, and social studies, and has a vast selection of exciting electives. Students learn online using our top-notch curriculum taught by certified teachers, who are experts in online learning. Our graduates are well prepared to succeed in college and beyond!

Explore Summer Courses


Online Summer School Courses

High school can be overwhelming, and some students need help catching up to graduate on time. Pearson Online Academy’s online credit recovery program gives students the flexibility to put in extra work over the summer to give them an edge for next school year.

Our virtual credit recovery program gives online high school students the flexibility to take courses they need to catch up to peers and earn their high school diploma online.


What Is Summer Learning Loss?

Without practice, students tend to lose the skills and information they learn in school. The average student, for example, loses an average of 2.6 months of math learning over the summer. At the beginning of a new school year, teachers typically spend three to four weeks reteaching material from the previous year.

Educators have struggled to combat this “summer slide” for years. Without the effort and input of parents, however, summer learning loss tends to accrue, turning into an achievement gap that can leave some kids two to three years behind their peers.

Avoiding summer brain drain requires taking steps to keep students engaged in their learning all summer long with summer online schools.

Even the most dedicated students look forward to the “no more pencils, no more books” freedom of summer. But the break from study can weaken important skills. Fortunately, with summer school courses from Pearson Online Academy, a fully-accredited, tuition-based online school for grades K–12, students can avoid losing what they’ve learned while still enjoying family, friends, and vacation!


Take a Closer Look At Pearson Online Academy's Online Summer School Options